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6 Social Media FAQs We Get All the Time (and Our Answers)

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Creating video on social media isn't just an option anymore; it's a necessity. But getting started can be daunting, especially if you’ve never done it before.

We often hear questions from real estate agents and loan officers about how to dive into video content effectively. Here, we’ve compiled the top questions we receive and our expert answers to help you kickstart your video journey with confidence.

Question #1

Everyone needs to be on video, but starting can be really hard. What is your first tip to getting things going for someone on the fence?

Our Answer:

Give them 5 quick, easy questions to answer and have them film themselves giving their honest, genuine answer without a script.

Those first 3-5 videos are always the hardest to record and publish because you don't have the confidence yet. You haven't gotten the feedback of likes, shares, comments to let you know that you're creating something that people can use and appreciate.

Getting those first few videos out of the way rips off the band-aid and makes them realize that filming isn't that bad. It's just talking to a camera.

Question #2

Tell me about a success story where an LO leaned in and committed to video content despite being uncomfortable.

Our Answer

It’s hard to pick just one!

Rebecca Richardson ( on TikTok) has talked about this before where early on in creating content she said, "I'm gonna just do this and I know the more I do it, the better I'll get" – and now she has over 145K followers and get over 40% of her business from social media.

On a smaller scale, one of our users Tim Pascarella hadn’t done any business in a year, then started getting back into the industry and decided to try out Video Catalyst. Within a couple short months, his videos won him 12 leads, of which he closed deals with 8 of them.

So it just goes to show that even if your videos aren’t going viral, they are still delivering visibility and can help win you business you wouldn’t have received otherwise.

Question #3

Once an LO gets comfortable, they want to be sure they’re not doing it all for nothing. We need people to be watching what we put out. Give me a few easy, basic tips that anyone can do that will help them get in front of more people.

Our Answer

Honestly, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel.

Mimic what successful creators are doing while making it your own, and have fun with sharing content that feels exciting or useful to your clients.

In terms of video tips that are a bit more advanced, we always advise implementing verbal hooks at the beginning of your videos ("Here are 3 things I'm betting you didn't know about down payments"). But truly, just having good lighting and decent audio makes a huge difference and can set you apart from many creators.

Question #4

Sometimes having someone to create content with can help catapult an LO into fully embracing video. Have you seen success with LOs leveraging working with their industry partners on video?

Our Answer

You bet! We've seen examples of this with a number of different niches. The key is making the video feel like it's intended for social media, rather than simply a recorded podcast or conversation. For big, recognizable podcasts, those work, but for smaller creators those tend to not work as well.

That being said, collaborating with other people or accounts can help you reach new audiences and keep your content feeling fresh and interesting.

Question #5

What type of video does best? (A more formal set-up or more casual – ex: shooting a video while on a walk). Or does it not matter?

Our Answer

Both work great. In all honesty, the content tends to be more important than the setup. We like the formal set-up for regular videos and then a more casual (walk and talk) setup for reply videos or videos that aren't the regular content. It helps to separate them a little bit.

Question #6

How often do we need to post videos to really see some traction?

Our Answer

We firmly believe that to see traction, you should be posting 3-4 times a week, never more than 2 days apart. That's if you want to see traction.

If you want to see MAJOR results, finding a way to post daily (Sundays optional) is where LOs are going to see a real return on their time investment. 

The reason we emphasize posting as much as possible is threefold:

  1. The more you post, the more that you are staying in the algorithm. You are keeping the algorithm's attention because you are essentially training it to be looking for you and your content.
  2. The more content that you post, the bigger library of content you create. If you create 20 videos before you really pop off, then when someone comes to your profile to see "Who is this person? Are they taking clients?" they will see that not only do you know your stuff in that one video, but you've been talking about all of these things for weeks/months/etc. It builds your value and authority.
  3. Finally, what I think is the most valuable is that the more that you post, the more that you learn how to create better content. You learn what works and what doesn't. You learn what setup looks best, what lighting and audio seem to work, what effects perform well (green screen, etc), and you build a flow for your content. You learn what style of content your audience likes and engages with versus what they don't, as well as the best times to post for engagement from your specific audience––and all of that makes you more and more successful at increasing your reach, engagement, and retention.

SocialCoach is Here to Help!

Whether you're a seasoned real estate agent or just getting started, video can help you connect with clients, showcase your expertise, and build a stronger online presence.

If you have any questions or need more tips, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to support you on your journey to mastering video content.