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How Loan Officers Can Increase Their Social Media Engagement

Are you looking to support your business goals through social media?  Done properly, social media marketing can maintain connections with customers, build presence as an industry expert, and reach new audiences.  Today, we’re sharing ways that Loan Officers can increase social media engagement to boost sales and brand awareness.How to Monitor Engagement

Before identifying methods for increasing engagement, it’s important to discuss ways to monitor engagement and record current engagement.

When sharing posts online, one way Loan Officers should monitor effectiveness is through engagement.  Each social media platform (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.) has its own actions that followers can take to interact.  For example, likes, shares, comments, and saves are useful metrics for Instagram.  At SocialCoach, we can manage the analytics for you to ensure your postings are making an impact.

A reminder as you begin your social media engagement strategizing: quality over quantity.  Seeing your follower count grow is important, but it can also be a vanity metric.  Small followings can make as big of an impact if filled with ideal customers who are converting into more closings.

How Loan Officers Can Improve Social Media Engagement

Where to Post Mortgage Content

Consider who you are trying to reach on social media and let that guide where you’ll post.  Provide first-time homebuyer training on platforms like Instagram or TikTok where short, informational videos are better suited. Video thrives on Facebook also, as do other pieces of visual content like quotes, infographics, and other storytelling posts. LinkedIn would be a better spot for industry insight designed for other professionals.  When properly matching your ideal audience with where you post content, you’ll be better suited to skyrocket your engagement.

Offer Valuable & Shareable Content

Your customers and connections should see you as the expert.  The best mortgage creators on TikTok grow by offering social media content that informs rather than sells, you’ll be a resource for your followers.  In addition to educating your audience, don’t forget to mix in informative and entertaining content for a robust profile.  

Highly shareable content performs well and can build your audience pool.  When your followers repost or share your content onto their own profiles, you expand your reach to include their connections.  At SocialCoach, we can support your social media goals by curating a library of ready-to-post content.  Find out more about the daily social media content available at SocialCoach.

Post Consistently

A holiday post here, a news article about interest rates there.  That kind of inconsistency isn’t going to yield the impact needed to build a thriving social media profile.  Make a plan that allows you to post regularly.  Need inspiration?  Mortgage companies can use our in-app video communication to share suggestions for daily postings, plus access the library of prepared content designed for mortgage professionals.  

While we do recommend including anecdotes and encourage Loan Officers to develop personal branding, posting consistency can also equate to staying on target with what you discuss.  By niching your content, you’ll be top of mind for mortgage.  

Respond to All Comments

Social media marketing and building a community online takes time.  We’re here to expedite your efforts by providing easily shared content that you can schedule in advance.  Once posted, it’s critical to maintain conversations with your audience by responding to all comments and engagements. 

Not only does it show appreciation for those taking time to interact with your post, it can draw additional attention.  

Be Social

Social media is a two-way conversation between you and your customers.  In addition to responding to engagement on your posts, it’s valuable to engage with other social media content.  Comment regularly on thought leaders’ content.  Use tools like hashtags and geotags to find conversations to participate in, offering insight and genuine comments.  

Experiment with Hooks and CTAs

A hook is a way to draw in attention that gets your audience to keep reading or watching.  They introduce your topic but also entice people to find out more.  Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Everything banks don’t want you to know about your loan.
  • Fact or Myth: You need 20% down.
  • 20 ways to save for your first home.

Explicitly telling your audience what to do can also yield increased engagement.  Use an easy to execute Call-to-Action, or CTA, in your post that instructs them with an easy engagement.  Try one of the following:

  • Drop a 💣 in the comments if you found this helpful.
  • Tag a friend who needs to hear this.
  • A or B? Help me decide!

Looking for a platform that can streamline your posting schedule to increase social media engagement?  Reach out for more info!