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Implementing an Employee Advocacy Program

Turn your loan officers into brand advocates and amplify your message.  Social media and online marketing continues to be a cost-effective lead generation and sales funnel.  While it’s imperative to have a corporate presence on social media, an employee advocacy program yields numerous benefits for mortgage companies.  

Through advocacy on social media, loan officers play an important role in championing your company’s sales objectives and improving visibility.  This increased brand awareness bolsters a company’s reputation, humanizes your company, and boosts leads and sales.  After all, reports show that consumers trust the information shared by individuals over the company itself.   

How to Implement an Employee Advocacy Program

Provide Materials for Your Employee Advocates

To begin an employee advocacy program, companies first need to encourage social sharing and provide materials for loan officers.  Engage your natural storytellers who feel comfortable utilizing social media in your advocacy program.  Less confident loan officers will benefit from seeing additional examples from their peers.  

When your brand ambassadors have the tools and training, everyone is included in spreading the word.

Place a premium on authenticity on social media and encourage loan officers to share their passions and voices.  But the burden isn’t on them to create postings!  SocialCoach offers a comprehensive library of mortgage marketing materials to make posting on social media easier and faster.

Share Benefits for the Company and Loan Officers

Employee advocacy offers advantages to both companies and loan officers. The benefits for mortgage companies empowering their sales teams on social media can include:

  • Heightened brand awareness 
  • Increased inbound web traffic
  • Improved SEO rankings
  • Expanded sales
  • Humanized content 

Loan officers can share in the benefits by using their personal accounts to bolster company messaging.  According to a study from Hinge Marketing, 87.2% of respondents shared that an employee advocacy program expanded their professional network.  This expanded network offers increased social media reach, plus opportunities for loan officers to demonstrate their expertise.  

Loan officers active on social media stay at the forefront of their audience’s mind.  They boost their reputation and credibility through informative content.  Not sure what to post? SocialCoach is here to provide the resources to maintain a robust presence online.

Loan officers can also stay on trend and maximize their personal branding with support from your company’s advocacy efforts. 

Maintain Compliance

Content from loan officers and personal accounts increases trust among consumers.  To ensure the messaging being amplified remains compliant, it is critical to have a protocol in place to monitor social media postings and a company-wide social media policy. 

In addition to your company policy, real-time compliance reviews at SocialCoach proactively block non-compliant terms and flag questionable terms and topics for contextual inspection before posting.  SocialCoach’s compliance tools allow compliance departments to reduce risk, plus seamlessly allow you to record loan officers’ postings and track their updates.  

Read more about compliance in the Digital Age. 

Measure and Analyze Data

To ensure the effectiveness of your employee advocacy program, you’ll need a way to monitor your company’s return on investment.  SocialCoach includes analytics on which loan officers are posting and how their social shares are making an impact. 

If you’re looking to expand your company’s online presence and reach sales goals, an employee advocacy program with all-in-one social media support from SocialCoach is a must.  Reach out today to get started turning loan officers into brand ambassadors.